Property:Culm shape

Types of culm shape


Parts of culm shape


Showing 1878 pages using this property.
round  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
terete  +, flattened  +
terete  +, flattened  +
terete  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
rounded-trigonous  +, terete  +
rounded-trigonous  +, terete  +
trigonous  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
not narrowed  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
terete  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
scabrous-angled  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
angled  +
angled  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
angled  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
scabrous-angled  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
flattened  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
scabrous-angled  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
angled  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
angled  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
angled  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
angled  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
scabrous-angled  +, trigonous  +
scabrous-angled  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
smooth-angled  +, trigonous  +
smooth-angled  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
trigonous  +
filiform  +, trigonous  +, round  +
angled  +
angled  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
scabrous-angled  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
filiform  +, trigonous  +, round  +
round  +, round-trigonous  +
round  +, sharply trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
triangular  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
angled  +
terete  +
round  +, trigonous  +
trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
angled  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
scabrous-angled  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
scabrous-angled  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
trigonous  +
scabrous-angled  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
smooth-angled  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
angled  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
angled  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
scabrous-angled  +, trigonous  +
trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
capillary  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
scabrous-angled  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
angled  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
smooth-angled  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
scabrous-angled  +, trigonous  +
trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
angled  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
angled  +
round  +, trigonous  +
angled  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
compressed  +
round  +, trigonous  +
scabrous-angled  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
not filiform  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
angled  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
scabrous-angled  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
scabrous-angled  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
smooth-angled  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
scabrous-angled  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
angled  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
angled  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
trigonous  +, terete  +
angled  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
angled  +
trigonous  +
scabrous-angled  +, trigonous  +
trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
angled  +
round  +, trigonous  +
angled  +
trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
angled  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
scabrous-angled  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
angled  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
scabrous-angled  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
scabrous-angled  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
angled  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
compressed  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
angled  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
3-angled  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
scabrous-angled  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
triangular  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
angled  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
scabrous-angled  +, trigonous  +
angled  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
scabrous-angled  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
scabrous-angled  +, trigonous  +
scabrous-angled  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
rounded-trigonous  +, terete  +
rounded-trigonous  +, terete  +
rounded-trigonous  +, terete  +
rounded-trigonous  +, terete  +
compressed-keeled  +
compressed-keeled  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
terete  +, compressed  +
terete  +, compressed  +
round  +, trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +, terete  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +, roundly trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
round  +, roundly trigonous  +
trigonous  +, roundly trigonous  +
trigonous  +, terete  +
trigonous  +, roundly trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
compressed  +, trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
4(-5)-angled  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +, triquetrous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +, more or less terete  +
compressed  +, trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
obtusely trigonous  +, subterete  +
terete  +, trigonous  +
trigonous  +, terete  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
roundly trigonous  +, terete  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
less terete  +, roundly trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +, swollen  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
round  +, trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
terete  +
geniculate  +
compressed  +, 3-5-angled  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +, angled  +
compressed  +, terete to sometimes  +, 3-12-ridged  +
elliptic  +, quadrangular  +
terete  +, 4-angled  +
compressed  +, 3-5-angled  +, terete  +
compressed  +
compressed  +
subterete  +
quadrangular  +
4-angled  +, terete  +
filiform  +, not septate-nodulose  +, trigonous  +,
subterete  +, greatly compressed  +
subterete  +, slightly compressed  +
compressed  +, subterete to sometimes  +
septate-nodulose  +, filiform  +, obscurely trigonous  +,
filiform  +, septate-nodulose  +, terete  +
compressed  +
filiform  +, septate-nodulose  +, terete  +
terete  +, markedly compressed  +
compressed  +, terete  +, angled  +
compressed  +
elliptic  +, quadrangular  +
elliptic  +, quadrangular  +
elliptic  +, quadrangular  +
quadrangular  +
less quadrangular  +, pentagonal or broadly elliptic  +
polygonal  +, elliptic  +, subterete  +
filiform  +, not septate-nodulose  +, obscurely 3-5-angled  +,
subterete  +, slightly compressed  +
terete  +
quadrangular  +
compressed  +, terete  +
filiform  +, quadrangular  +
compressed  +, 3-5-angled  +, terete  +
pentagonal  +
compressed  +, terete  +, ridged  +, ,
septate-nodulose  +, filiform  +, trigonous  +
compressed  +
compressed  +, terete  +, angled  +
compressed  +, 3-5-angled  +, terete  +
compressed  +, 3-5-angled  +, terete  +
compressed  +, 3-5-angled  +, terete  +
compressed  +, 3-5-angled  +, terete  +
compressed  +, 3-5-angled  +, terete  +
usually  +, terete  +
usually  +, terete  +
compressed  +, 3-5-angled  +, terete  +
triangular  +
compressed  +
compressed  +
rectangular  +, compressed  +
compressed  +
compressed  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
compressed  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
terete  +, trigonous  +
terete  +, trigonous  +
nearly  +, terete  +
terete  +, trigonous  +
terete  +, trigonous  +
terete  +, trigonous  +
terete  +, trigonous  +
terete  +, trigonous  +
terete  +, trigonous  +
terete  +, trigonous  +
flattened  +
flattened  +
flattened  +
flattened  +
flattened  +
flattened  +
flattened  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
3-5-angled  +, compressed  +, terete  +
3-5-angled  +, compressed  +, terete  +
3-5-angled  +, compressed  +, terete  +
3-5-angled  +, compressed  +, terete  +
3-5-angled  +, compressed  +, terete  +
3-5-angled  +, compressed  +, terete  +
3-5-angled  +, compressed  +, terete  +
3-5-angled  +, compressed  +, terete  +
3-5-angled  +, compressed  +, terete  +
3-5-angled  +, compressed  +, terete  +
3-5-angled  +, compressed  +, terete  +
3-5-angled  +, compressed  +, terete  +
3-5-angled  +, compressed  +, terete  +
3-5-angled  +, compressed  +, terete  +
3-5-angled  +, compressed  +, terete  +
3-5-angled  +, compressed  +, terete  +
3-5-angled  +, compressed  +, terete  +
3-5-angled  +, compressed  +, terete  +
3-5-angled  +
3-5-angled  +
3-5-angled  +
wand-like  +
3-5-angled  +
subterete  +, wand-like  +
3-5-angled  +
3-5-angled  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
flattened  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
terete  +
terete  +
terete  +
flat  +, round  +
flattened  +, round  +
flattened  +, round  +
flattened  +, round  +
flattened  +, round  +
terete  +
terete  +
terete  +
flattened  +, round  +
flattened  +, round  +
flattened  +, round  +
terete  +
flattened  +, round  +
round  +, flattened  +
flattened  +, round  +
flattened  +, round  +
round  +, flattened  +
terete  +
flattened  +, round  +
flattened  +
terete  +
flattened  +, round  +
terete  +
round  +, flattened  +
terete  +
terete  +
flattened  +
compressed  +
compressed  +
round  +, flattened  +
flattened  +, round  +
flattened  +, round  +
terete  +
flattened  +, round  +
compressed  +
terete  +
flattened  +, round  +
flattened  +, round  +
flattened  +, round  +
terete  +
compressed  +
flattened  +, round  +
flattened  +
nearly terete  +, slightly compressed  +
compressed  +
flattened  +, round  +
terete  +, compressed  +
terete  +
terete  +
flattened  +, round  +
compressed  +
flattened  +
terete  +
terete  +
terete  +
flattened  +
flattened  +
compressed  +
flattened  +, round  +
flattened  +, round  +
flattened  +, round  +
round  +, flattened  +
flattened  +, round  +
flattened  +, round  +
flattened  +, round  +
flattened  +, round  +
flattened  +, round  +
flattened  +, round  +
terete  +
flattened  +, round  +
terete  +
terete  +
flattened  +, round  +
terete  +
flattened  +, round  +
capillary  +
flattened  +, round  +
flattened  +, round  +
flattened  +, round  +
flattened  +, round  +
terete  +
flattened  +, round  +
flattened  +
rounded-trigonous  +
rounded-trigonous  +
rounded-trigonous  +
rounded-trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
geniculate  +
compressed  +, round  +
geniculate  +
compressed  +
compressed  +
geniculate  +
compressed  +
compressed  +, geniculate  +
compressed  +, round  +
terete  +
round  +
round  +
round  +
round  +
round  +
round  +
round  +
round  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
compressed-keeled  +, terete  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
keeled  +, compressed  +
geniculate  +
depressed  +, compressed-keeled  +
geniculate  +
compressed  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
reedlike  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
trigonous  +
trigonous  +
terete  +
terete  +, slightly compressed  +
terete  +, slightly compressed  +
terete  +, slightly compressed  +
compressed  +
not compressed  +
geniculate  +, compressed  +
not compressed  +
bent  +, terete  +, slightly compressed  +
not compressed  +
not compressed  +
not compressed  +
not compressed  +
not compressed  +
not compressed  +
not compressed  +
compressed  +
not compressed  +
not compressed  +
compressed  +
compressed  +
not compressed  +
compressed  +
geniculate  +
terete  +
compressed  +
compressed  +
compressed  +
not compressed  +
compressed  +
not compressed  +
not compressed  +
compressed  +
not compressed  +
terete  +
not swollen  +
geniculate  +
swollen  +
swollen  +
swollen  +
swollen  +
not swollen  +
not swollen  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
geniculate  +
terete  +
terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +, capillary  +
compressed  +, terete  +
weakly  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
terete or  +, weakly strongly compressed  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
geniculate  +
terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
terete or  +, weakly strongly compressed  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +, capillary  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
terete or  +, weakly strongly compressed  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
terete  +
terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
terete or  +, weakly strongly compressed  +
compressed  +, terete  +
terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
terete or  +, weakly strongly compressed  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +
compressed  +, terete  +, capillary  +
compressed  +, terete  +