Property:Trunk bark relief

Types of trunk bark relief


Parts of trunk bark relief


Showing 50 pages using this property.
buff to gray-brown  +, corrugated  +
thin-exfoliating  +, whitish to light gray  +, plated  +
corrugated  +
rimose  +
rimose  +
rimose  +, rough  +
exfoliating  +
buff to gray-brown  +, corrugated  +
buff to gray-brown  +, corrugated  +
exfoliating  +
corrugated  +
buff to gray-brown  +, corrugated  +
corrugated  +
buff to gray-brown  +, corrugated  +
corrugated  +
corrugated  +
corrugated  +
corrugated  +
corrugated  +, rough  +
buff to gray-brown  +, corrugated  +
corrugated  +
corrugated  +
corrugated  +, rough  +
exfoliating  +
rimose  +
corrugated  +, rough  +
corrugated  +
buff to gray-brown  +, corrugated  +
corrugated  +
corrugated  +
exfoliating  +
corrugated  +
corrugated  +